Give Yourself a Deadline! (And then give yourself an earlier one!)
If you, like me, tend to go into hibernation when the weather starts getting colder, you may begin to find it difficult to get motivated. Giving yourself a deadline on the important (and sometimes even the not so important) tasks in your life, however, creates adrenaline and halts procrastination! There is a great article on the thrill of the deadline here:
Some of us need the adrenaline rush of working to a deadline; it can be exhilarating.
The difference between a dream and a reality can be… Putting a date on it!
Have you ever noticed how if you have a day to do something, you’ll drag it out to fill the entire day? Yet if you only have an hour to complete the same task, you’ll find a way to get it done?
We just shrink or stretch the task to fit the length of the deadline.
This phenomenon is known as Parkinson’s Law: Work expands (and shrinks) to fill the time available for it’s completion. (To learn more about Parkinson’s Law visit )
We all faff around on tasks far more than we need to.
Create your own early deadline!