Glenda May Consulting developed and facilitates her renowned “Steer Your Own Career” workshops for many major organisations throughout Australia.
The focus of this career management program is to help employees take control of their own career – getting them out of the passenger seat and into the driver’s seat.
She is also available for individual career coaching and assistance with job applications and interview preparation.
Examples of recent projects
Victoria University
Developed and delivered customised “Career Resilience Workshop” which included customised participant manual and facilitator’s guide for handover of Train the Trainer Package
Australia Post
“Steer your own career” Program consisted of a customised participant manual and facilitator’s guide for handover of Train the Trainer Package
City of Whittlesea
Designed and delivered “It’s up to You” for aspiring women.
Coles Myer Group
“Steer your own Career” Program developed and facilitated for IT division of Coles Myer
“Career Planning” Program developed, written and transmitted on-line learning modules for new graduate employees
Ford Motor Company of Australia
“Career Development “ Developed and presented 3-day workshops for staff. Participants included staff from plant operators to senior management. Also included senior management briefings to raise awareness of performance development and career coaching issues
Holden Motors
“Career Management” Developed and presented training for Graduates Program.
City of Port Philip
“Professional Development for Business Support Officers” Developed and facilitated program
Swinburne University and Ballarat University
“Managing Yourself and Your Career” Designed and presented program specifically for women